〰️Zondax API

Beryx Storage Provider Dashboard API Documentation


This API serves as the backend for the Beryx storage provider dashboard. It provides endpoints to retrieve various information related to account balance, deals, deal information, and miner details.

Base URL

arduinoCopy codehttp://localhost:3000


1. Get Account Balance

  • URL: /api/balance/:account

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieves the balance of a specified account.

  • Parameters:

    • account: The account for which the balance is to be retrieved.

  • Response:

    • balance: The balance of the specified account.

2. Get Recent Deals by Provider ID

  • URL: /api/deals/:provider_id

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieves the recent deals made by a specified provider ID.

  • Parameters:

    • provider_id: The ID of the provider for which deals are to be retrieved.

  • Response:

    • An array of the last ten deals made by the specified provider.

3. Get Deal Information by Provider ID

  • URL: /beryx/deal_info/:provider_id

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieves detailed information about recent deals made by a specified provider ID.

  • Parameters:

    • provider_id: The ID of the provider for which deal information is to be retrieved.

  • Response:

    • An array containing simplified information about the last ten deals made by the specified provider. Each object in the array includes details such as pieceCID, client, startEpoch, endEpoch, providerCollateral, clientCollateral, storagePricePerEpoch, and label.

4. Get Miner Details (Power) by Provider ID

  • URL: /beryx/miner_details/power/:provider_id

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieves power details of a specified miner.

  • Parameters:

    • provider_id: The ID of the miner for which power details are to be retrieved.

  • Response:

    • The total power of the specified miner.

Last updated